Our Team
At SAFSS, we offer cultural safety and cultural responsiveness while utilising a multi-disciplinary team to build resilience, safety, and cultural connection. We believe that a single action can make a difference in kids' lives and that collective action can greatly impact the Aboriginal community. That is why our team has designed the Koori Kids Camp.
We believe that taking a strengths-based, person-centred, trauma-informed approach, will allow young Aboriginal people to explore their connection to land and culture. We can strengthen, empower, and inspire Aboriginal kids and have a heap of fun with them while doing it!
Our Aim
To enrich Aboriginal kids' lives through practical hands-on experience
To empower Aboriginal kids through cultural understanding and knowledge
To build the resilience of Aboriginal kids so they leave the camp with a stronger sense of self
Our goals are for the kids to:
Have FUN
Learn through practical hands-on EXPERIENCE
Gain new life and cultural SKILLS
Enhance their CULTURAL knowledge
Meet new people & make new FRIENDS
Our Approach
We take Aboriginal kids back to the bush to help them reconnect to the land in a safe and structured environment. We increase their confidence and achieve incremental person-centred goals. We work on building resilience by providing opportunities for personal growth which requires individuals to work on themselves and as a team.
We take a structured approach at Koori Kids Camp
The children will take part in a variety of activities.
They will participate in team-building exercises to strengthen their connection and bond with their peers.
Our cultural lessons are a pinnacle within our camps. These include imparting knowledge of:
Aboriginal art creation
Aboriginal history
Spear throwing
Ochre making/body painting
Traditional fire lighting
Traditional bush survival and resource gathering
Aboriginal music and dance
Dreamtime story sharing
Traditional hunting techniques
Robert, 14yrs
“My favourite thing about the snow camp was making new friends."
Rhydah, 8yrs
“One thing I learnt at camp was to throw a boomerang."
Natalie, 12yrs
"This camp taught me to face my fears of making new friends."